Disk Copy Mac Os X

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Transferring Mac OS X between Computers or Hard Drives

In my experience with users and participating in online forums and mailing lists, one of the most common questions that users of Mac OS X seem to have is 'How do I copy my Mac OS X installation from one hard drive/computer to another?' Users generally fall into one of two categories: (1) people who have bought a new (larger) hard drive and installed it in their Mac, and want to move everything over from their old hard drive to the new one; or (2) people who have bought a new Mac and want to copy Mac OS X and all their files and software over from their old Mac to the new one.

  1. Carbon Copy Cloner is a great cloning tool for creating a backup or copy of your hard drive. (Download Here) 1. Select your Source Disk (your old hard drive). Select your Target Disk (your new hard drive). Under cloning options, select Backup everything. Just click Clone, and you're done.
  2. Clonezilla is a partition and disk imaging/cloning program similar to True Image® or Norton Ghost®. It helps you to do system deployment, bare metal backup and recovery. Three types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live, Clonezilla lite server, and Clonezilla SE (server edition).
  3. If you need to clone your startup drive, you can make use of either your Mac's Recovery HD volume or any drive that has a bootable copy of OS X installed. Launch Disk Utility, located at /Applications/Utilities.
  4. Stellar Drive clone is one of the best disk cloning app for Mac. It creates an identical, ready to use copy of the hard drive. The Clone software creates partitions in the same way as that of the actual hard drive. The tool supports various types of cloning like, HFS-to-HFS, FAT-to-FAT and NTFS-to-ExFAT.

The good news is that Mac OS X is, for the most part, hardware independent. That is, the same OS X that runs on a PowerBook also runs on an iBook and a G4 tower. That means that you can copy Mac OS X, and all installed software and files, directly from one computer to another, and it should boot up and function properly.

The bad news is that unlike Mac OS 9, where you could simply connect a drive or another computer, select all your files, and copy them over using drag-and-drop, Mac OS X requires some special tools. The Finder doesn't always copy invisible files properly (and there are lots of them in OS X), and because of permissions issues, it's difficult to make sure that all files are being copied.

Instead, you need to either boot your Mac to another drive that contains the Mac OS, or use the Recovery HD volume to start up and run Disk Utility from. This may seem like an inconvenience, but it provides for both a fast copy and a safe one; since the source drive can be unmounted, no process can make changes to any files resident on the drive.

This is one of those situations where Terminal can do something you can't do in the Finder. Terminal provides you with all the tools you need—specifically, commands that copy every single file, preserving permissions and file properties—to successfully copy an entire Mac OS X volume. However, most users don't want to learn the list of commands that it takes to do such a copy. Once again, a third-party developer has come to the rescue; in this case, Mike Bombich, whose Carbon Copy Cloner utility (http://www.bombich.com/software/ccc.html) puts a friendly face on the process. Here's how you use Carbon Copy Cloner to transfer your hard drive's contents to another hard drive, or to another computer.

Disk Copy Mac Os X

Transferring Mac OS X between Hard Drives

I recently got a new hard drive (a nice 80GB one), and installed it in my G4 tower; the original hard drive (a 20GB model) was getting a bit cramped. I wanted to transfer the contents of my original drive (Mac OS X, applications, documents, the works) to the new drive, and then use the new drive as my main drive. Using Carbon Copy Cloner, the process was a snap. Here's how to do it:

  1. Make sure your destination volume has enough space for the contents of the source volume. If the destination volume already has an operating system on it, you should probably delete it before copying the source volume onto it. If you have valuable files on the destination volume, you should place them in a folder, named Saved Documents or something similar, until the copy is completed.

  2. Launch Carbon Copy Cloner.

  3. In the Source Disk box, select the source volume (the one you want to copy from) from the pop-up menu.

  4. In the Target Disk box, select the destination volume (the one you want to copy to) from the pop-up menu. (Figure 4.11) If you want Carbon Copy Cloner to only replace files that exist on the target disk with identical names and paths, select the 'Don't remove files from target' (yes, the description is a bit confusing); if you want it to delete any item on the destination volume that has a similar name to an item on the source disk, select 'Remove like-named items.' If you're installing onto an empty volume, you don't need to worry about these two settings.

    Figure 4.11: Using Carbon Copy Cloner to copy a Mac OS X volume

  5. In order to make your new drive a fully functional (bootable) copy, check both boxes in the Bootability options section.

  6. If you don't want particular items to be copied (e.g., old folders you no longer care about), you can select them in the Items to be copied window and then click the Delete button.

  7. When you're ready to copy, click the Clone button. You'll be asked to authenticate using an admin username and password, after which Carbon Copy Cloner will proceed to copy the entire volume, re-create all necessary links, and 'bless' the volume so that it can function as a bootable volume. Carbon Copy Cloner will notify you when the copy is done.

  8. Open System Preferences, click the Startup Disk icon, and select the new volume as your startup disk. The next time you restart, the new drive will be the boot volume. You can then erase or remove the original drive.

Transferring Mac OS X between Computers

Similar to installing a new hard drive, many users who buy a new Mac want to transfer their existing Mac OS X installation to the new computer so that they can pick up right where they left off using their new hardware. You can use Carbon Copy Cloner in exactly the same manner to do this, but first you have to connect the new computer to the old one. Given that most computers supported by OS X have a FireWire port, the easiest way to do this is to use FireWire Target Disk Mode. You'll need a FireWire cable to do this, which should be available at any computer or electronics store.

  1. With the new computer turned off, connect the FireWire cable to a FireWire port on each computer.

  2. Boot up your old computer normally if it's not already running. Login to an admin account.

  3. On the new computer, hold down the T key on the keyboard, and press the power button to start it up. Keep holding the T key down until you see a FireWire symbol on the screen. At this point your new computer's hard drive will be mounted on your old computer's Desktop as a FireWire hard drive.

  4. How to download python mac. If you don't need any of the files on the new computer's hard drive, you can actually erase it using the Disk Utility application.

  5. Launch Carbon Copy Cloner on your old computer, and follow the instructions in the previous section, 'Transferring Mac OS X between Hard Drives.' (Select your old computer's hard drive in the Source Disk box, and your new computer's hard drive in the Target Disk box. If you chose not to erase the new computer's hard drive because you wanted files that came installed on it, click the 'Don't remove files from target' option in the Target Disk box.)


    In this example, I'm assuming that your old computer has a recent version of OS X installed, and you're simply moving your OS X installation to your new computer. If your older computer has an older version of Mac OS X installed, you'll probably be better off to simply copy over your user files and use the copy of OS X that is already installed on your new computer.

  6. When the clone operation is complete, drag your new Mac's hard drive to the Trash to unmount it from your old Mac's Desktop, unplug the FireWire cable, and then press the power button on the new Mac to turn it off.

  7. Press the power button on the new Mac again to boot it up normally (using the installation of OS X you just copied over, including all accounts and settings). It should boot up and behave exactly like your old computer.

  8. Give your old Mac to a needy school :)

A mate of mine who has only been using Macs for a few weeks has been using a PowerBook G3. We installed Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger on it, and then he got a larger hard drive. He was about to reinstall OS X when I suggested cloning.

Being a PC user, he was new to the idea, so I emailed him some instructions, and it worked with no problem. So for anyone new to cloning, here is how to do it.

Cloning makes a complete bootable copy of your hard drive onto another drive.

Here is what you will need:

Disk Copy Mac Os X

Transferring Mac OS X between Hard Drives

I recently got a new hard drive (a nice 80GB one), and installed it in my G4 tower; the original hard drive (a 20GB model) was getting a bit cramped. I wanted to transfer the contents of my original drive (Mac OS X, applications, documents, the works) to the new drive, and then use the new drive as my main drive. Using Carbon Copy Cloner, the process was a snap. Here's how to do it:

  1. Make sure your destination volume has enough space for the contents of the source volume. If the destination volume already has an operating system on it, you should probably delete it before copying the source volume onto it. If you have valuable files on the destination volume, you should place them in a folder, named Saved Documents or something similar, until the copy is completed.

  2. Launch Carbon Copy Cloner.

  3. In the Source Disk box, select the source volume (the one you want to copy from) from the pop-up menu.

  4. In the Target Disk box, select the destination volume (the one you want to copy to) from the pop-up menu. (Figure 4.11) If you want Carbon Copy Cloner to only replace files that exist on the target disk with identical names and paths, select the 'Don't remove files from target' (yes, the description is a bit confusing); if you want it to delete any item on the destination volume that has a similar name to an item on the source disk, select 'Remove like-named items.' If you're installing onto an empty volume, you don't need to worry about these two settings.

    Figure 4.11: Using Carbon Copy Cloner to copy a Mac OS X volume

  5. In order to make your new drive a fully functional (bootable) copy, check both boxes in the Bootability options section.

  6. If you don't want particular items to be copied (e.g., old folders you no longer care about), you can select them in the Items to be copied window and then click the Delete button.

  7. When you're ready to copy, click the Clone button. You'll be asked to authenticate using an admin username and password, after which Carbon Copy Cloner will proceed to copy the entire volume, re-create all necessary links, and 'bless' the volume so that it can function as a bootable volume. Carbon Copy Cloner will notify you when the copy is done.

  8. Open System Preferences, click the Startup Disk icon, and select the new volume as your startup disk. The next time you restart, the new drive will be the boot volume. You can then erase or remove the original drive.

Transferring Mac OS X between Computers

Similar to installing a new hard drive, many users who buy a new Mac want to transfer their existing Mac OS X installation to the new computer so that they can pick up right where they left off using their new hardware. You can use Carbon Copy Cloner in exactly the same manner to do this, but first you have to connect the new computer to the old one. Given that most computers supported by OS X have a FireWire port, the easiest way to do this is to use FireWire Target Disk Mode. You'll need a FireWire cable to do this, which should be available at any computer or electronics store.

  1. With the new computer turned off, connect the FireWire cable to a FireWire port on each computer.

  2. Boot up your old computer normally if it's not already running. Login to an admin account.

  3. On the new computer, hold down the T key on the keyboard, and press the power button to start it up. Keep holding the T key down until you see a FireWire symbol on the screen. At this point your new computer's hard drive will be mounted on your old computer's Desktop as a FireWire hard drive.

  4. How to download python mac. If you don't need any of the files on the new computer's hard drive, you can actually erase it using the Disk Utility application.

  5. Launch Carbon Copy Cloner on your old computer, and follow the instructions in the previous section, 'Transferring Mac OS X between Hard Drives.' (Select your old computer's hard drive in the Source Disk box, and your new computer's hard drive in the Target Disk box. If you chose not to erase the new computer's hard drive because you wanted files that came installed on it, click the 'Don't remove files from target' option in the Target Disk box.)


    In this example, I'm assuming that your old computer has a recent version of OS X installed, and you're simply moving your OS X installation to your new computer. If your older computer has an older version of Mac OS X installed, you'll probably be better off to simply copy over your user files and use the copy of OS X that is already installed on your new computer.

  6. When the clone operation is complete, drag your new Mac's hard drive to the Trash to unmount it from your old Mac's Desktop, unplug the FireWire cable, and then press the power button on the new Mac to turn it off.

  7. Press the power button on the new Mac again to boot it up normally (using the installation of OS X you just copied over, including all accounts and settings). It should boot up and behave exactly like your old computer.

  8. Give your old Mac to a needy school :)

A mate of mine who has only been using Macs for a few weeks has been using a PowerBook G3. We installed Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger on it, and then he got a larger hard drive. He was about to reinstall OS X when I suggested cloning.

Being a PC user, he was new to the idea, so I emailed him some instructions, and it worked with no problem. So for anyone new to cloning, here is how to do it.

Cloning makes a complete bootable copy of your hard drive onto another drive.

Here is what you will need:

  • a Mac with Mac OS X Tiger or Leopard installed
  • a new hard drive
  • a FireWire or USB enclosure for the drive (not necessary if you have a Power Mac with room for another internal drive)
  • a copy of SuperDuper [Editor's note: You can also use Carbon Copy Cloner.]

Let's get started.

First, put your new drive hard drive enclosure. Plug it into your Mac, and switch the Mac on. If your enclosure needs to be plugged into a power source, do this and then switch it on.

Once the Mac is booted, you will need to format the new drive into a Mac format in Disk Utility (in the Utilities folder inside the Applications folder). Down the left hand side Disk Utility will show both drives. Select the one in the enclosure.

You will see five tabs across the middle of the screen: select 'Erase'. Double check the Volume Format is 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled)' and give it a name (or leave it as it is). Then select the 'Erase' button. The new drive will erase within a few seconds and your drive is now ready for cloning.

Don't worry – you cannot erase your existing hard drive with Mac OS X installed on it, as it is the drive you have booted from and is therefore locked.

Download SuperDuper. It is free when used for cloning. Install it and run it.

In the SuperDuper screen, you will see three drop downs.

In the first one, labelled 'copy', select the drive in your Mac. In the second drop down labelled 'to', select the new drive that you just formatted.

The third one should be labelled 'using' – select 'Backup – all files'.

New select the 'Copy Now' button.

If you are connected via USB 1.1, it will take quite a while (maybe an hour or two). If you are connected via FireWire or USB 2.0, then it will be quicker (maybe 20 minutes – depending on how much is on your hard drive).

Once completed, shut down the computer and external hard drive. Remove the internal drive and replace it with the new one you just cloned to – and boot the machine.*

If successful, the Mac will work exactly as before. You will not notice anything different, except a larger drive.

Mac os 10 6 4 update download. If it hasn't worked, the machine will not boot.

Mac Os X Disk Image

* Editor's note: You may want to test the clone drive before performing the transplant. To boot from the external drive, hold down the Option key during startup. Your Mac will display icons for any bootable drive. Select the new drive, click on the right arrow icon, and your Mac should boot from it. If not, erase the new drive and try again. Once you know it's working, transplant it. (Note that some of the oldest G3 Macs can't boot into OS X via USB.)

Format Disk Mac Os X

You can also use this procedure to clone OS X to another Mac – just install the cloned drive. As long as it's not too big for that Mac's drive controller to recognize (see How Big a Hard Drive Can I Put in My iMac, eMac, Power Mac, PowerBook, or iBook?), you should be good to go.

We've been doing this at Low End Mac headquarters for years, and it works very well. The registered version of SuperDuper is also a great backup program, which we use regularly.

Carbon Copy Cloner works as well as SuperDuper for cloning, and version 2.3 will also let you clone Mac OS X 10.2 and 10.3. (SuperDuper only supports OS X 10.4 and 10.5.) dk

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